Monday, October 20, 2008

Random things because I'm bored

A couple of Cake Wrecks I found at Wal-Mart, not that funny, but these Wrecks are hilarious.

Last day in Arizona, I wished they looked a little sad to be leaving, maybe I could talk them in to going back.

Are his eyes on upside down?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Who do you love Mr. Wal-Mart Manager?

We live in Utah County home of BYU. There is someone down the road from us that has a BYU and Denver Bronco's flag hanging in their yard. Well we are not huge BYU fans we will be cheering for the Utes when they play next week. And I LOATHE the Broncos!!!!
So this weekend I went shopping for a U of U and Oakland Raiders flags. I drove out of my way to go to a Wal-Mart outside of Utah County, but to my chagrin, this is what I found.
Do you see what U of U choices I had? What maybe 5 hats.......what the????? So next weekend I am determined to find a U of U flag. I guess I'm headed to Salt Lake, and I'll make sure I pick up a Raiders flag just to bug the neighbor even more. Ahahahahahah

A whole new meaning to "only in Utah"....

I honestly don't think I have ever seen a dumber sign. "What????, Bud Light with Lime contains alcohol?" It's a good thing they put up the sign. Apparently here in Utah people were buying "Alcopops" (this is what they are now calling things like Hard Lemonade, even beer with Lime flavor) and not realizing they contained alcohol, they pulled all of these "Alcopops" from the shelves and now they are only for sale in the State Controlled Liquor store. . I guess this particular Wal-Mart didn't get the memo, but hey at least they warned us even beer with lime is still beer.